- Alliance for the Wild Rockies Sues the Forest Service Over ~1 Million Acres of ‘Treatments’
Editor’s Note: As I have said before, it’s the small to tiny organizations who do most of the work. Here, Alliance for the Wild Rockies, working on a shoestring budget with basically a single full-time person, is taking on the Goliath of the Forest Service. Again, my suggestion from having worked in the trenches of
- What Does It Mean To Home Harden?
I have written numerous critiques of the current fire policies that primarily focus on hinterland fuel reduction by logging and prescribed burning. While some limited use of these strategies has a place in reducing fire risk to homes, the main emphasis should be on the house and surroundings. The most significant home losses are not
- Cash Cows – Now Available Again
Thanks to the work of Karen Klitz, we have been able to obtain a reprint of Cash Cows – Taxes Support a Wild West holdover that enriches ranchers and degrades the land. This expose was one of the only deep dives into the corruption surrounding public lands livestock grazing and the degradation it creates, and
- Conservation Groups File Lawsuit to Protect Elk Hunting, Wildlife Corridors and Old Growth Forests in Montana
The Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Native Ecosystems Council and Council on Wildlife and Fish filed a lawsuit in federal court in Montana against a road-building and commercial logging project on public lands in the Big Belt Mountains of Montana. The challenged Wood Duck project is located in a wildlife corridor that is critical for
- Why Tribal Co-Management Is A Threat to Our Public Lands
Given the wrecking ball the Trump administration is taking to our public lands and public values, it might seem trivial to worry about tribal co-management. Our public lands are among the most democratic of American institutions. Every American has a right to voice their opinion about public lands management, but no group should be elevated
Houston Chronicle: Wildernex LLC Wildlife Control Ranked #13 in 2019 Aggie 100
BUSINESS // BIZFEED 28 Houston area companies make Aggie 100 list Hundreds of guests attend the annual Aggie 100 awards ceremony hosted by the McFerrin Center for Entrepreneurship, Mays Business School, at Texas A&M University each year.Photo: Mays Business School at Texas... READ MORE